LGlutamine can be converted to glutamic acid


LGlutamine can be converted to glutamic acid, which is both a precursor to the important inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (gamma amino butyric acid) and an excitatory neurotransmitter in its own right. Athletes on high-protein diets will appreciate the fact that glutamine transports ammonia, the toxic metabolic by-product of protein breakdown, to the liver, where it is converted into less toxic urea and then excreted by the kidneys. Finally, glutamine can convert into alanine, an amino acid that the liver converts into glucose, supplying additional fuel to muscles during a prolonged workout.

Description L-Glutamine Powder

L-Glutamine is the most abundant free-form amino acid in the bloodstream, with muscle containing the greatest concentration of glutamine in the body. Vigorous exercise depletes muscle L-Glutamine storage levels which can lead to catabolism (muscle breakdown). When the body is under stress, L-Glutamine becomes an essential amino acid. L-Glutamine also is intended to provide nutritive support for healthy protein synthesis. Natural Sport L-Glutamine powder is tasteless, odorless and mixes easily in water and other beverages. Also try our L-Glutamine Capsules. L Glutamine Powder

Description of L-Glutamine Powder Glutamine has recently been the focus of much scientific interest. A growing body of evidence suggests that during certain stressful times, the body may require more glutamine than it can produce. L Glutamine Powder

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